As a professor of Religious Studies, Elizabeth co-chairs the AAR and SBL Women’s Caucus. In addition to her PhD in Religious Studies, Elizabeth also has an MBA from the Wharton School of Business and has served on multiple boards, mostly for non-profit and interfaith organizations. Elizabeth has taught world religions to over 5,000 students, and has been a visiting scholar, conference keynote, and guest lecturer at universities, seminaries, and cultural centers around the world.

I have served as trustee of the largest interfaith organization in the world… from 2016-2018. I chaired the women’s task force for the 2018 Parliament in Toronto for 8,000 people with over 120 sessions in the women’s track and mentored over 400 women interested in advancing in leadership within their religious traditions. I continue to co-chair the Women’s Taskforce and have moderated webinars and sessions engaging contemporary issues from an interfaith perspective.
Interfaith Work Advances Women’s Dignity on a Global Scale
The Dignity of Women Across the World's Wisdom Traditions & Society https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEkbKOYN1H4
Women's History Month 2020 - Webinar Series | Women's Dignity Across Wisdom Traditions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZu87mP1EIo

I have served as trustee of the largest interfaith organization in the world… from 2016-2018. I chaired the women’s task force for the 2018 Parliament in Toronto for 8,000 people with over 120 sessions in the women’s track and mentored over 400 women interested in advancing in leadership within their religious traditions. I continue to co-chair the Women’s Taskforce and have moderated webinars and sessions engaging contemporary issues from an interfaith perspective.
Interfaith Work Advances Women’s Dignity on a Global Scale
The Dignity of Women Across the World's Wisdom Traditions & Society
Women's History Month 2020 - Webinar Series | Women's Dignity Across Wisdom Traditions