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As a professor of Religious Studies, Elizabeth co-chairs the AAR and SBL Women’s Caucus. In addition to her PhD in Religious Studies, Elizabeth also has an MBA from the Wharton School of Business and has served on multiple boards, mostly for non-profit and interfaith organizations. Elizabeth has taught world religions to over 5,000 students, and has been a visiting scholar, conference keynote, and guest lecturer at universities, seminaries, and cultural centers around the world. 

Cracked Concrete Wall



Elizabeth has been a visiting scholar, conference keynote, and guest lecturer at universities, seminaries, and cultural centers around the world. 

“Teaching World Religions with Today’s College Students.” Stanford University, California 2019 

“The Unacknowledged yet Essential Role of Imagination in Theology-Making.” Keynote. University of Winchester, England 2017


“Metamorphosis: Allowing Our Sacred Images to Transform.” University of Winchester, Britain and Ireland School of Feminist Theology, 2016 

“Strategic Emplacement of Female Imagery in Christian Worship.” 2013 Keynote, Feminist Theology Facing Tradition Conference, University of Liverpool-Hope, England 

“Gender Theory and Rethinking Categories of Religious Identity.” 2013 3rd International Conference on Religion and Spirituality in Society, Phoenix, Arizona

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