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As a professor of Religious Studies, Elizabeth co-chairs the AAR and SBL Women’s Caucus. In addition to her PhD in Religious Studies, Elizabeth also has an MBA from the Wharton School of Business and has served on multiple boards, mostly for non-profit and interfaith organizations. Elizabeth has taught world religions to over 5,000 students, and has been a visiting scholar, conference keynote, and guest lecturer at universities, seminaries, and cultural centers around the world. 

Cracked Concrete Wall




Board of Directors 2011 to 2015, 2018 to 2019

As a professor of world religions here in Phoenix, I have served on the board and in other leadership roles with the Arizona Interfaith Movement (AZIFM) for almost twenty years. 


Currently, I serve on the Interfaith Council and help to connect AZIFM programming with universities and colleges across the state by growing our Speaker’s Bureau program for college classes and the public.


I have also moderated two large gatherings for Western Regional Interfaith Directors that included participation across nine states in the American West. 

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